Without revolutionary struggle of women

Without revolutionary struggle of women,

 there will Not be any change!


Another March, “International Women's Day”, is coming. This day commemorates the heroic struggle of women textile workers in New York that inspired the organized struggle of worldwide women.

8th of March, we wish neither flowers nor formal congratulation. We ask neither for advertising and media nor for dozens of academic statistics proving we are oppressed. We want no pity. We demand neither budget to celebrate this day nor your permission for our struggle continuity.

In this extremely patriarchal word, we as women, have to keep fighting continuously, regardless of our age, nationality, social class, language, sexual orientation and religion … 24 hours a day and all days of year. But March 8 is the symbol of united women’s struggle against sexuality injustice, to create a new world bassed on equality.

March 8 is the day for women to occupy the streets; the day to break the defined frameworks such as “girlish”, “natural”, “conventional”, “private” and traditional, and stereotype and family and ethnic and tribe …. and the day to break down any barrier which hinder our struggle and silence our voice. The day of being seen our struggles in each moment and seconds.  

March8 is a day to challenging patriarchal imperialism around the world; in the streets, homes, factories, offices, farms, universities, schools and …. In oppressed countries where religious fundamentalism is growing day by day and also in capitalist countries where women gained few basic civil rights; Rights that are even about to be retaken.

We are approaching March 8 at a time when women in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria face unimaginable pressure because of imperialist invasions and occupations on the one hand, and the rise of Islamic fundamentalists on the other. The warmongering and brutal occupations by imperialist powers seeking to control the region under different pretexts, and the rise of Islamist forces who are competing with each other in backwardness, has put imposed an even harsher situation on women in this region.

We are approaching 8th of March this year in a situation where women in the so-called advanced capitalist countries are suffering from oppression. Their bodies and lives are under the control of male supremacy in various ways. Even though women in the Western countries are considered equal under law, discrimination against women in different forms exists and a male chauvinist system is reproduced continuously. Violence against women in forms such as rape and domestic violence is widespread. The right to abortion is limited in various countries. The situation in these countries has given rise to many forms of protest against the degradation of women.

Women's struggle on a world scale has been a source of inspiration for us and all those determined to fight and eradicate the oppression and subjugation of women. There is no doubt that we have a tough and tortuous path in front of us. But the situation and conditions of millions of women in the world is such that we can no longer tolerate such insulting and contemptible treatment.

Along with this day, “La platforme des femmes du 8mars de Belgique” calls for all opposing fighting people to join us for the international action; a calling to end women’s suppression. Slavery era has to be terminated for real.

The organized, widespread and revolutionary struggle of women is the key to win!

It’s time to tear down our slavery chains!


No to patriarchal imperialism! No to religious fundamentalism!

Women Rise up! Struggle and rebellion does not need a special occasion.

Women Rise up! Revolution does not need an invitation.

Women Rise up! Find your sisters and friends and join with those who are part of this revolutionary transformation.

Women Rise up! Unleash your courage, power, anger, strength and will.

You can and you must cry out for those who are the most downtrodden and who are the most silenced.

You can and you must in the midst of these most pessimistic times of defeats unleash the most courageous and passionate/vibrant struggle.

You can and you must with your generous and powerful hands... shake this world.

You can and you must break all the chains of oppression and exploitation so that no force can ever re-enchain women or anybody else.


Time: Saturday, 5 March 2016, 12:30u.

Place: Place de la Monnaie, 1000 Brussels


La plate-forme des femmes du 8 mars de Belgique

Les organisateurs: L’Union des Femmes Socialistes / skb-aveg@hotmail.com

L’Organisation des Femmes du 8 mars (Iran-Afghanistan) / www.8mars.com

L’Institut Kurde de Bruxelles / www.kurdishinstitute.be

Le Mouvement des Femmes Kurdes en Belgique