The first of May


The first of May

The day of struggle and international solidarity against capitalist imperialism



May Day of this year is coming while the threat of war has cast a dark shade on the lives of millions of people. This year, not only we have witnessed many disasters such as drastic climate changes, the death of thousands of migrants and refugees, the rise of misogyny, of sexism, of xenophobia, of racism, of national oppression all around the world, destruction of parts of Africa and millions of its people who are forgotten and etc. but also we see the rise of fascism all around the world after Donald Trump came to power in the U.S which exacerbates all these catastrophes. After that, extreme right-wing movements and religious reactionaries throughout Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world have become more active and try to mobilize people.

The masses are being polarized between the two reactionary poles of the imperialists and religious fundamentalists. It seems that the only actual choice that people are left with is amongst these two reactionary poles. Either of them will end up to annihilation of humanity.

This has to be stopped! It’s enough!

We must change this situation!

And that's why this year, on May 1, we will go out to the streets together with radical and anti-capitalist fighters to portray the possibility of another alternative for the masses. We will go out to the streets to scream: “In the name of humanity the only way of emancipation is revolution”! We will shout that we must stand and rise in front of these two reactionary poles in order to build a world without exploitation and oppression. On this day, we will shout:

No to fascism, no to war, no to deportation, no to global warming, no to sexism, no to misogyny, no to homophobia, no to wall, no to any oppression and exploitation!!

Capitalism is an outdated system; it must be overthrown!

The only way of human emancipation is REVOLUTION!


Youth committee of Belgium

March 8 women organisation (Iran-Afghanistan) - Belgium